2021 - present
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PhD Candidate, Physics Department
Advisor: Lindley Winslow
Stanford University
B.S. in Physics
Minor in Theater and Performance Studies
Research Experience
2021 - Present
DMRadio is a suite of experiments searching for sub-eV axion dark matter. I performed the vibration analysis of the DMRadio-m^3 copper coaxial pickup to characterize major noise sources in the lumped element detector. I am designing and building thermo-mechanical supports for 1 Tesla toroidal magnet in DMRadio-50L. I am developing software infrastructure to both calibrate DMRadio-50L detector and collect data.
APS April Meeting (2024) Calibrating the DMRadio-50L Detector
NeurIPS Machine Learning for Fundamental Sciences Workshop (2023) Long Time Series Data Release from Axion Dark Matter Experiment
CMB Core to Core Conference (2023) Calibrating DMRadio-50L and ABRACADABRA-10cm
UCLA Dark Matter Conference (2023) Calibrating the DMRadio-50L Detector
TAUP (2023) Calibrating the DMRadio Axion Dark Matter Detectors
2021 - Present
ABRA is an axion haloscope currently searching for both axion dark matter and high frequency gravitational waves. I operate the experiment in the cryogenic dilution refrigerator. I lead the calibration team, designing hardware and software to characterize our detector. Additionally, I lead the AIRES (AI for Rare Event Searches) on the ABRA data -- applying machine learning techniques to time series dark matter data.
The HPS experiment is an accelerator search for dark photons as a dark matter candidate. I performed an analysis for the Strongly Interacting Massive Particle (SIMP) alternative dark matter candidate. I designed a phenomenology based cut algorithm to distinguish Monte Carlo simulated SIMP data and background. I performed tracking analysis to determine track reconstruction algorithm with highest signal purity.
The Schleier-Smith Lab assembles highly entangled states of laser-cooled atoms to understand many body quantum systems. I applied machine learning and CRAB optimization techniques to classical and quantum optimization problems in lab. I wrote simulation and optimization scripts in Python to optimize the transport of cold atoms with a dipole beam between experimental regions.
Symposium of Undergraduate Research and Public Service (2020)
Awarded Hoefer Prize for Grant Writing (2020)
The ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider is the largest general purpose particle collider detector. I performed a preliminary optimization for emerging jets analysis searching for the dark sector in ATLAS data. I wrote scripts in C++ using ATLAS Root software to create a cutflow for Monte Carlo simulated data and background.
Stanford Undergraduate Summer Physics Research Grant Poster Session (2017)
The LZ detector is the largest Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) direct dark matter detector. At SLAC, I characterized the cooling power of the liquid xenon cryogenic thermosyphon system. I designed, built, and ran a detector with thermosyphon lines, vacuum chamber, thermometers, and heaters to understand detector failure modes.
Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (2017)
Stanford Major Grant
2017, 2016